
Every item available for purchase on the JLuxury Authentic website has been verified by our team of in-house trained experts. Please be aware that despite the fact that JLuxury Authentic offers a 100% Money Back Guarantee of Authenticity, the company is not sponsored by, licensed by, or otherwise connected to any brand owners, nor have any brand owners taken part in the authentication of the products offered on this website or the training of JLuxury Authentic’s authenticators.

Item Condition

We have our own internal team of professionals who source our Luxury goods from Japan and we have our own exclusive warehouse in Japan. All our items are either brand-new, nearly-new, or gently used things. Items that have been used gently show little evidence of soiling, abrasions, stains, scratches, or tears. Leather is flexible and free of creases, but will sometimes have minor signs of usage depending on the condition. Although there are no stains, natural tan leather is prone to darkening owing to exposure to air and human flesh. Part of our exclusive branding are vintage bags in great condition, with or without any signs of any wear and tear. JLuxury proudly specializes in Authentic Brand New, Preloved and Vintage items. Conditions of the items will be shown specifically declaring the condition/ranking they are in.

Refund and Return Policy

As a general rule, once an order has been confirmed, Return, Refund or Exchanges will not be made. Please check and ensure before clicking confirm.




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